Carry On, Writers, Carry On.


Just sharing some words of motivation I found the other day. Sure, there will be times when you want to scream and pull all your hair out, but that just comes with the territory when you’re passionate about your work. Don’t let the hard stuff get you down, just keep writing. Keep doing what you love!

Arsenic’s April Book Recommendations


As stated previously, all I do is read. So why not share with you fine folks some of my favorite books? I will try to do monthly book recommendations, but I tend to become easily absorbed in other things so there is the very real possibility of me skipping months. That is why Crumpet runs things here, I’m just along for the glorified ride.

I’m going to do my best to post four selections from a variety of genres, but you may find that I am biased towards all things fantasy. I will write a short reason as to why I love the book and a link to for you to read the summary yourself. (Speaking of, what an absolutely fantastic website!)


The Iron Druid Chronicles: Hounded

Author: Kevin Hearne

I am about half way through this series and I have loved every book so far. They are fun reads with enthralling characters who literally make me laugh out loud, and frequently. It’s a great series for guys and girls alike. It follows the last Druid on Earth, Atticus Sullivan and his trusty Irish Wolfhound Oberon, as they battle gods from various pantheons and paranormal creatures to survive.


Stories From Jonestown

Author: Leigh Fondakowski

A fascinating non-fiction about the survivors of Jonestown. I am an 80’s baby and have had a working knowledge of what happened in 1978 in the Guyana jungle, however this book filled in quite a few blanks for me. The book is a collection of interviews of the people left behind to deal with the massacre that left their families and friends picking up the pieces.


Moon Called

Author: Patricia Briggs

This is another series that I am currently infatuated with. There are currently 8 books in the Mercy Thompson series, this is the first. I love that there is not a lot of cheesiness in this series in regards to all the paranormal creatures. The main character, Mercy, is a great heroine in that she isn’t perfect but is still quite bad ass. I tire easily of female MCs that roll over and take everything male characters throw at them. I buy this series two to three books at a time, so that when I’m finished with one I can immediately pick up the next.



I Have Lived Inside the Monster: Inside the Minds of the World’s Most Notorious Serial Killers

Author: Robert K. Ressler

For the morbidly curious such as myself. A non-fiction written by a former FBI agent who spent 20 years hunting down serial killers. Contains interviews with John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer.







Arsenic Rising


Good Morrow fine readers/writers/thespians!

It is I, Arsenic, here to introduce myself. I’m also here to invade Crumpet’s blog because well, she deserves it. That dirty rotten scoundrel inspired me to write a book and encourages me to read, forcing me to give up online gaming.

Okay, well she didn’t have to force me. I had already quit World of Warcraft and had never really thought, for whatever reason, to sit down and try to write my own book. She’s a horrible influence, I tell you.

I have this horrendous addiction that gets in the way of it, you see. It’s called reading. I’m not talking about reading here and there either. I’m talking about binge reading on a constant basis. I read when I’m home and when I’m at work. I say to myself, Arsenic you need help! Help, is my code word for another book. Then I’m back on the couch, wrapped in a blanket with the dog on my feet, off on another adventure.

Also, I am a fantastic procrastinator. I think to myself (yeah, I talk to myself a lot), you could spend the next couple of hours working on your book OR you could finish that book you started yesterday.

Reading wins 9 times out of 10.

So maybe, if you’re lucky, you might to get to read my epic piece of literature sometime in the next 20 years or so.

Now it’s off to the bookstore to buy more books even though I haven’t finished all the ones I already have. Because that’s how I roll.

~ Arsenic



March 25th is Tolkien Reading Day


Founded by the Tolkien Society, Tolkien Reading Day was first observed in 2003, and is a special day for fans to celebrate J.R.R. Tolkien’s work.
But why March 25th, you might ask? Because March 25th is the day when the One Ring was finally destroyed, and so came about the fall of Sauron. Seems like a pretty good cause to celebrate, if you ask me. 😛


We’ve got plenty of Tolkien reading material at home, with The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Silmarillion. What will you be reading?

Our own little Tolkien Kitty enjoying The Silmarillion.

Our own little Tolkien Kitty enjoying The Silmarillion.