May Book Recommendations

It’s May my little book minions! You know what that means right? Book recommendations from yours truly, Arsenic! I hope that you gave some from last month a try, and enjoyed yourselves. Of course if you didn’t, I firmly hope you rot in the bowels of Hell. ❀



Rot and Ruin

Author: Jonathan Maberry

This is a YA zombie dystopian novel. This is the first book in the series and it is one of my favorite zombie books of all time. It really doesn’t read like a YA book other than that the main characters are young. I think people of all ages will enjoy it immensely.

H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

H-E-Double Hockey Sticks


Author: Chuck Palahniuk

Let’s not make any secrets about this, I love all things jacked up. Hence the reason that Chuck Palahniuk is one of my favorite authors. In this one, he kills off a fat rich white girl and sends her to Hell. This Hell though, is more disturbing than anything thrown at you in the Bible. This is a really fun read that will make you laugh out loud. (The sequel, DOOMED, just came out in the last few months but I have yet to read it.)

Head Case.

Head Case.

Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

Author: Susannah Cahalan

I mainly read Fiction, so when a Non-Fiction book slaps me in the face and forces me to take notice I tend to tell everyone I know to read it. This is that book. Real-life medical mystery. I found it fascinating.



Halfway to the Grave

Author: Jeaniene Frost

This is the first book in the Night Huntress series. There are definitely cheesy parts in relation to vampires in it (no sparkling!) but they are easily overlooked with so much action, good plots, and unedited sex. The MC is highly enjoyable.








Carry On, Writers, Carry On.


Just sharing some words of motivation I found the other day. Sure, there will be times when you want to scream and pull all your hair out, but that just comes with the territory when you’re passionate about your work. Don’t let the hard stuff get you down, just keep writing. Keep doing what you love!

The Perks of Writing Groups


There’s a certain excitement that comes with finding another person who loves to write. Knowing someone who truly gets what you do, who knows what it’s like to spend 45 minutes agonizing over the wording of a single paragraph, is like scoring that prize at the bottom of a cereal box. I’m fortunate enough to have a best friend who also writes, and I honestly couldn’t ask for a better person to confide in, bounce ideas off, and get a much-needed kick in the ass from when the time calls for it. A few months ago, we started having regular book meetings with one another. It’s a time where we can discuss our current projects, vent our frustrations, and get some good input.

I’ve found these meetings so immensely helpful, that it has inspired me to write this particular entry. If you have friends, family, co-workers, or anyone else you know that writes, why not ask if they’d like to get together at some point to discuss each other’s work? You might just be surprised how helpful it can be to get your ideas out on more than just paper. It can be just the refreshing break you need to clear your mind.

If you’re going to do this, though, I can’t stress enough how important honesty is. People who are afraid of hurting your feelings by providing constructive criticism might feed your ego, but they honestly aren’t doing you any favors. You need someone who isn’t afraid to get in there and tell you if something is in need of fixing. The way I look at it, I’d rather hear about any mistakes I’ve made from a friend, rather than have those mistakes seen by a possible literary agent. By having a friend see your errors first, you’re given the wonderful opportunity to fix the problem, but by having a possible agent see it first, you’re more likely to have all your hard work thrown into a slush pile.

On the other hand, writer’s groups aren’t for everyone, and I get that. Writing can be deeply personal, and there is a certain vulnerability that comes with sharing it with people. It can be terrifying, absolutely terrifying. But, honestly, I think it’s worth the mental anguish in the end. Arsenic and I are currently going over my first novel, chapter by chapter, and it’s really been an eye-opening experience. This project has been an emotional roller coaster for me, and it means so much to me that it is the best it can be before I start sending it out. Hearing feedback on it has been a really rewarding experience, and our book meetings are something I always look forward to.

– Crumpet

Strange Vintage Easter Postcard Roundup

Happy Easter, everybody! As noted on April Fools’ Day, I love me some vintage postcards. The artwork is just so charming, and so many of them are surprisingly strange or inappropriate by today’s standards. Today I’m sharing some Easter-themed postcards that I found especially interesting.

Yup, those are babies using hammers to bust open eggs with live chicks in them.

Yup, those are babies using hammers to bust open eggs with live chicks in them.

easter chick

I can’t help but imagine this gun-wielding chick saying this Clint Eastwood line:

And here we see a bunch of rabbits terrorizing some geriatric guy. Remember, kids: don't let the Easter bunny near Grandpa! :P

And here we see a bunch of rabbits terrorizing some geriatric guy. Remember, kids: don’t let the Easter bunny near Grandpa! πŸ˜›

Originally, I thought this card would be dated around the time of WW2, but apparently the owner of this one says it's dated for 1910. So who knows what the hell the artist was going for with this one. 0.o

Originally, I thought this card would be dated around the time of WW2, but apparently the owner of this one says it’s dated for 1910. So who knows what the hell the artist was going for here, besides traumatizing kids of course. πŸ˜‰

Well, those are my weird finds for vintage Easter cards. Enjoy the festivities! πŸ˜€

Bizarre Birthday Facts

In honor of my co-blogger Arsenic’s birthday, I thought it would be fun to share some bizarre facts about birthdays. So let’s get this party started!


Grossest Balloons Ever:

Balloons used to be a heck of a lot more morbid. β€œBack in the day,” the intestines, bladders, and sometimes stomachs of recently butchered animals were essentially used to make balloon animals by jesters and troubadours. A similar practice was used by the Aztecs, using the bowels of cats to create these balloon animal monstrosities to use as sacrifices to the gods. Needless to say, just one more reason latex is so wonderful.

scared kitty

The Golden Birthday:

Ever heard of a Golden Birthday? Also known as a Grand Birthday, Champagne Birthday, Lucky Birthday, or Star Birthday, this special occasion is when the day of the month of your birth and your age share a common number. (For example: My birthday is on the 30th so my Golden Birthday will be when I turn 30. Arsenic’s birthday is today, so her Golden Birthday would have been when she turned 18.)


Did you know the β€œHappy Birthday” song is actually protected under copyright, and as of right now, will be until the year of 2030?

Not the Most Festive of Birthdays:

April 23rd wasn’t just William Shakespeare’s birthday, it was also the day he died. Having just turned 52 on April 23, 1616 Shakespeare took his final breath.


G.O.T. Season 4, Episode 2: Highlights (BIG SPOILERS!!!)


Though I’m sure everyone and their grandmother has heard what happened in last night’s episode of Game of Thrones by now, I will be kind, and say: spoilers ahead. Seriously, ***MASSIVE, MASSIVE SPOILERS REGARDING SEASON 4, EPISODE 2!!! **** Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let the gushing commence!

We’re just going to get straight to the point of what everyone is talking about, the finale of last night’s episode. Scream if from your rooftops: the king is dead! Sure, we’ve all heard that you should never speak ill of the dead, but when they just so happen to be a total prick like Joffrey, well . . . all rules are off. This royal pain in the ass (heh, puns) has had viewers clamoring for his death since season 1. Just when you think you couldn’t possibly hate him more, he somehow manages to become an even bigger crap sandwich and prove you wrong. I mean, there are those characters you love to hate, and then there’s this guy:

GoT 5

Now, that being said, I’m greatly going to miss Jack Gleeson’s performance of Joffrey. Anyone who could make you absolutely loathe their character that much is doing their job pretty damn well in my opinion. Also, with Gleeson’s recent statements about retiring from acting, it’s really unfortunate that we won’t get to see more of this talented young man’s acting abilities. He really stole the show last night, and gave the fans exactly what we’ve been waiting for.

funny jg

With Joffrey dead, what exactly does that mean for some of the other characters in King’s Landing? By the line of succession, Joffrey’s younger brother Tommen would be the new king (Who, if you didn’t notice, has been recast). Sansa is whisked away by Ser Dontos before the king’s body has even turned cold, and we see Cersei blame the entire thing on Tyrion. Damn . . . even in death, Joffrey STILL manages to screw things up for Tyrion.


In other Westeros news, at the start of the episode we get just a taste of things to come for Theon and Ramsay, the bastard of Roose Bolton. Ramsay and Roose are both interesting characters I’m looking forward to seeing more of this season. Roose is a cold and dangerous man, and though his son is also dangerous, it is in a completely different way. Ramsay is a bastard in the north, just like Jon Snow, but that is where their similarities end. Ned Stark was never one to shove Jon’s bastard status in his face the way that Roose does to Ramsay. Now that Roose has enticed Ramsay with the possibility of legitimization, he’s bound to do anything necessary to get it. Also, the part where Theon learns what happened to Robb at the Red Wedding, wow. Despite all the bad things that can be said about Theon, it’s hard not to feel some empathy for this broken shell of a guy who has just learned that his best friend, who was like a brother to him, is dead.


Overall, I think it was a good episode, a lot of lead up stuff in the middle, but hey, that’s necessary. I just wish we’d gotten to see what Arya and The Hound were up to, but there’s always next week! πŸ™‚



Arsenic’s April Book Recommendations


As stated previously, all I do is read. So why not share with you fine folks some of my favorite books? I will try to do monthly book recommendations, but I tend to become easily absorbed in other things so there is the very real possibility of me skipping months. That is why Crumpet runs things here, I’m just along for the glorified ride.

I’m going to do my best to post four selections from a variety of genres, but you may find that I am biased towards all things fantasy. I will write a short reason as to why I love the book and a link to for you to read the summary yourself. (Speaking of, what an absolutely fantastic website!)


The Iron Druid Chronicles: Hounded

Author: Kevin Hearne

I am about half way through this series and I have loved every book so far. They are fun reads with enthralling characters who literally make me laugh out loud, and frequently. It’s a great series for guys and girls alike. It follows the last Druid on Earth, Atticus Sullivan and his trusty Irish Wolfhound Oberon, as they battle gods from various pantheons and paranormal creatures to survive.


Stories From Jonestown

Author: Leigh Fondakowski

A fascinating non-fiction about the survivors of Jonestown. I am an 80’s baby and have had a working knowledge of what happened in 1978 in the Guyana jungle, however this book filled in quite a few blanks for me. The book is a collection of interviews of the people left behind to deal with the massacre that left their families and friends picking up the pieces.


Moon Called

Author: Patricia Briggs

This is another series that I am currently infatuated with. There are currently 8 books in the Mercy Thompson series, this is the first. I love that there is not a lot of cheesiness in this series in regards to all the paranormal creatures. The main character, Mercy, is a great heroine in that she isn’t perfect but is still quite bad ass. I tire easily of female MCs that roll over and take everything male characters throw at them. I buy this series two to three books at a time, so that when I’m finished with one I can immediately pick up the next.



I Have Lived Inside the Monster: Inside the Minds of the World’s Most Notorious Serial Killers

Author: Robert K. Ressler

For the morbidly curious such as myself. A non-fiction written by a former FBI agent who spent 20 years hunting down serial killers. Contains interviews with John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer.







G.O.T Season 4, Episode 1: Highlights (SPOILERS)

You've been warned!

You’ve been warned!

So last night, Arsenic and I (along with a few other close companions) gathered to watch the season 4 premier of Game of Thrones. And what an episode it was. Today, I thought I’d share some of the highlights of last night’s episodes and what I liked about them. So, let’s get started!

The Re-Forging of Ice:

They really kicked things off on a bitter (but necessary) note, with Tywin Lannister having Ned Stark’s greatsword Ice re-forged into not one, but two, Valyrian swords for House Lannister. This moment comes like a punch to the gut, with the Lannisters once again kicking the Starks while they’re down. In the wake of the Red Wedding, Tywin considers the Starks beaten, and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time he wiped another family off the map. Rains of Castamere, anyone?

Oh, Tywin, you rascal.

Oh, Tywin, you rascal.

Broken houses have no need for Valyrian steel, and as it so happens, Tywin Lannister (the man who is so wealthy, it’s said that he shits gold), has been coveting one of these swords for quite some time. But these are the Lannisters we’re talking about, so why stop at just one Valyrian sword when you can have two? That’ll show the other Great Houses of Westeros. (Sword Envy, it’s a sad, sad thing.)

The Arrival of Oberyn Martell:

The Dornish are here, the Dornish are here! Prince Oberyn Martell has returned to King’s Landing, and as he tells Tyrion, he’s there for more than just the royal wedding. We’ve all heard that β€œthe north remembers”, but the same could also be said about the south. During Robert’s Rebellion, The Martells suffered tragic and horrific losses at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane, but Oberyn is a smart man, and he knows that the Mountain That Rides, does the bidding of a certain Papa Lannister.

You tell 'em, buddy!

You tell ’em, buddy!

We’ll be meeting more and more Dornish characters from the point on, and it’s something many fans of the books have been waiting for since season 1. I won’t go into too much about Oberyn just yet, but I think this episode did a good job introducing us to what sort of character he is, and just how hot-blooded and eager for vengeance he is. Tyrion Lannister is right to be wary of a man like Oberyn.

Jaime’s Character Development:

Back on the subject of the Lannisters, Jaime is going to have a lot of adjusting and soul searching to do this season. The loss of his hand last season, wasn’t just the loss of an appendage for him, it was also him losing a major part of his identity. He’s been through a lot, and when he finally gets back to his other half, Cersei, she deals him a crushing blow with how cold and distant she is toward him. When I first started reading the books and watching the show, I absolutely loathed Jaime. I wanted to see him really get his, but his character development has been astounding, and now I often find myself rooting for him. Also, Jaime and Brienne? Moar please!

j and b

Cranky Dragons & The Journey To Meereen:

Across the Narrow Sea, in Essos, we find Daenerys enjoying some quality time with her dragons. The largest of her brood, Drogon, is enjoying some affection from his mother just like any other giant, fire-breathing lapdog would. That is, until he decides it’s dinner time, and steals his siblings’ meal. When Dany tries to interrupt, he aggressively snaps at her. I’ve read in a couple forums, people asking why he tried to kill her, but believe me, if Drogon had wanted to kill Dany, he’d have done it. Easily. Think of this moment like a dog snapping at the hand of its owner if they tried to take his food dish away. As startled by this as Dany is, Jorah Mormont is quick to remind her that dragons are wild, and cannot be tamed. Not even by their mother. This moment serves as an eye opener to Daenerys, who honestly views her dragons as her children. On the topic of dragons, I’m loving the look of the dragons. I’m usually a crotchety stickler about CGI, but they really nailed it this season.

Even dragons can be total momma's boys at times. :P

Even dragons can be total momma’s boys at times. πŸ˜›

Later in the episode, we find Dany on her way to Meereen. Already expecting her, Meereen antagonizes her by placing a specific sort of marker at every mile. Strung up, with their finger pointing the way to Meereen, are the bodies of slaves, put there specifically to taunt her. Ser Barristan offers to travel ahead and see the remaining 163 dead slaves buried so Dany wouldn’t have to look upon them, but she refuses this offer. She wants to see each and every one of their faces before she has them buried, something she will remember when she meets with her new foes. Ohhhh, you’ve done it now, Meereen!


Arya and The Hound:

My favorite moment of the episode had to be the ending, with Arya and The Hound. I adore these two together. They’re both fantastic characters, and as much as they might hate to admit it, the two make a pretty badass team.

I loved this scene from season 3.

I loved this scene from season 3.

Arya regaining her sword Needle and notching another name off her list of those she means to kill, was a satisfying moment. We’ve seen Arya go through so much, and time and time again she has been dragged through the mud, but in this one moment we see her get just a bit of the vengeance she has been yearning for.

GoT 1

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode, and am looking forward to discussing future episodes this season. What was your favorite moment of this episode?

On another note, I finally got my dad to sit down and start watching the show, and I must say, it’s been pretty amusing hearing his predictions. He’s only 3 episodes in and is wholeheartedly convinced that Ned Stark is going to kill Jaime Lannister. Needless to say, I can’t wait to see his reaction when he watches episode 9 from season 1. πŸ˜›

Also, the moral of this episode? If The Hound asks you for some chicken, you give The Hound some damn chicken!


Until Next Time,

– Crumpet

Fun Facts: Game of Thrones

With the season 4 premier of Game of Thrones just days away, what better way to celebrate, than with a few fun facts? (Okay, okay, booze and lemon cakes would certainly be a better way, but that is hardly the point!) This is just a small sample of interesting tidbits I learned relating to the show, and thought I’d share.


Sansa’s direwolf, Lady, may have met a tragic end, but the same cannot be said for the dog who played her. Zunni, the Mahlek Northern Inuit Dog who played Lady, was adopted by Sophie Turner and her family in real life. In a case of life imitating art, the young actress and canine bonded off set, as well as on.

And you thought taking prenatal vitamins was a pain in the ass.

And you thought taking prenatal vitamins was a pain in the ass.

Dothraki don’t mess around when it comes to baby showers. A pregnant kahleesi is expected to eat a raw horse heart. Fortunately for Emilia Clarke (Daenerys), she got to eat a prop heart made from a gummy bear-like substance. Which sounds great, until you hear how wretched the fake heart tasted, with the actress herself commenting on how it had the quality of congealed jam.

Got family 2

Family is a major theme in Game of Thrones, so I thought it really interesting when I learned who a couple of the actors were related to in real life. Oona Chaplin (the actress who played Robb Stark’s wife), is the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin. And, Harry Lloyd (who played Viserys Targaryen) has a famous relative of his own. His great-great-great grandfather was none other than Charles Dickens.

Got family 1

In Game of Thrones, the direwolf is the sigil of house stark, but did you know that dire wolves existed in real life, too? Having been extinct for about 10,000 years, dire wolves were similar in size to gray wolves, but with a stockier build.


So those were my fun facts, I hope you enjoyed! Now, it’s time to sit back and wait for what is sure to be another great season of the thrilling story that is Game of Thrones. If you’ve read the books, you know that this season will be following the events of the second half of the third book, A Storm of Swords. I’m really glad that they split the third book up into two seasons, because there is no way they could have done it justice in just ten episodes. So many crazy things happen in this book, and we’ve only seen just a handful of these moments during season 3, so be prepared.


This pretty much sums it up. :P

This pretty much sums it up. πŸ˜›

– Crumpet